“Chips or Fries”, a family friend book and activities. A fun way for kids to learn the difference about the two countries – UK & USA. I know we all speak English but ...IFYKYK. 😊 I am passionate about helping children learn and connecting families.

To celebrate World Book Day, the “Chips or Fries?” eBook is free! Download on Amazon, Kindle. Wednesday, March 6 to Sunday, March 10. On Amazon: http://mybook.to/
Free activities sheet, UK/US spelling sheet, and more on my website. Under 'Resources'. www.LisaLewisonAuthor.com
A special 15% books offer for you, use this code: "UKUSFamily"
A great learning tool for many doing world schooling and the hardcover would be a good coffee table book for the home swaps. Enjoy and reach out with any questions, Lisa @LisaLewisonAuthor